Literature Relevant to Various Lineages

The selections below are intended as starting points for research on a lineage. Keep the following caveats in mind:

  • Literature included is primarily literature known to the Project Director that either analyzes the influence of agreements in the lineage (i.e., investigates "regime effectiveness") or provides useful background.
  • The literature referenced here is QUITE limited. I hope to include literature for more lineages over time and welcome suggestions. This is NOT intended as a comprehensive database of literature but simply as 5 to 10 places to start research.
  • Inclusion of articles in this database are not intended as endorsements of the views or arguments of the authors.
  • Know of literature that is not listed? Please suggest it.
Lineage Full Citation
International Whaling

Andresen, Steinar. 2002b. "The International Whaling Commission (IWC): more failure than success?" In Environmental regime effectiveness: confronting theory with evidence, ed. E. L. Miles, A. Underdal, S. Andresen, J. Wettestad, J. B. Skjærseth and E. M. Carlin. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.379-403.

International Whaling

Carlin, Elaine M. 2002. "Oil pollution from ships at sea: the ability of nations to protect a blue planet." In Environmental regime effectiveness: confronting theory with evidence, ed. E. L. Miles, A. Underdal, S. Andresen, J. Wettestad, J. B. Skjærseth and E. M. Carlin. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.331-56.

International Whaling

Friedheim, Robert L. 1996. "Moderation in the pursuit of justice: explaining Japan's failure in the international whaling negotiations." Ocean Development and International Law 27:349-78.

International Whaling

Friedheim, Robert L. 2001. Toward a sustainable whaling regime. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

International Whaling

Fullem, Gregory D. 1995. "Norway, the international whaling moratorium, and sustainable use: a modern environmental policy conundrum." Willamette Bulletin of International Law and Policy 3 (1):79.

International Whaling

Mann, Janet. 1999. "Behavioral sampling methods for cetaceans: a review and critique." Marine Mammal Science 15 (1):102-22.

International Whaling

Oberthür, Sebastian. 1998. "The International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling: from over-exploitation to total prohibition." Yearbook of International Co-operation on Environment an Development.

International Whaling

Peterson, M.J. 1992. "Whalers, cetologists, environmentalists and the international management of whaling." International Organization 46 (1):147-86.